Sunday, May 1, 2011

Child health in Bangladesh

Children is same to flower. so care him we care him first to her health because health is wealth.if we care her health they are asset for us and our we care our children.
We all desire a healthy life, irrespective of our creed, culture, race, ethnicity, color, religion, or sex. No matter how easy it might sound to us, keeping healthy can be the greatest challenge in one’s life, especially in today’s modern world where most of us lead a hectic and fast life. The most pertinent reason for this is probably our busy schedule. We are often too busy and stressed to know about the simple tips that can allow us to lead a healthy life. Given such a scenario the health and health care articles can prove to be a valuable resource that can provide us with the right knowledge, allowing us to lead a healthy life.

The health and health care articles can guide you on health issues on various stages of life- especially during pregnancy. Although we generally tend to neglect our health matters, it is essential that we take a great care of our health during pregnancy. Being a mother is one of the blessed experiences for any woman, and she should not cause any harm to herself as well as the unborn child by neglecting her health. What are the tips that one should know? What are the preferred foods that one should eat? The health and health care articles tell us all.

The health and health care articles provide a pregnant woman with a lot of valuable information. For instance it tells that one should not overdo physical activities or exercises during this stage. This is a very crucial time in one’s life, and a lot of responsible attitude is needed on the part of the mother. Therefore, to keep fit, she must try out some pregnancy safe yoga. To understand the idea of pregnancy safe yoga, one has to understand the positive effect that yoga has on one’s physical as well as mental health. It has been used for centuries to bring balance and harmony in both the body and the mind.
Pregnancy safe yoga helps an expecting mother in a lot of ways. It keeps her fit by relaxing her muscles, eases out pains and aches, makes the blood flow normal, and effects the immunity system and the digestive system of the mother too. It also helps her gather mental peace and perseverance, and eradicates any kind of tension from her mind about the oncoming days. Yoga also helps

the pregnant mother to control her breathing that comes in use during labor. Regular practice of light yoga helps her to gain the much needed energy, and also prepares her for the oncoming baby and both of their safety and health. It teaches her to care for her baby.

Apart from yoga health and health care articles give the expecting various other valuable tips related to exercise. For instance it says that one should not indulge into any kind of exercises on her own, or on the advice of someone who is not a medical professional. Too much stretching, or heavy exercises are a strict no-no for pregnant women. Moreover, there are different ranges of yogic activities for different phases of pregnancy, such as the first, second, and the third trimester.

Are you keen to know more such health tips? Then check out the health and health care articles online for such valuable information.

The biggest victims of a poverty stricken country are its children. Bangladesh has had a dismal track record when it has come to kids health. Most of the children in the country specially in the rural areas suffer from acute malnutrition. The problem gets aggravated as Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with nearly 1,000 people per square kilometer. Although there has been considerable progress in the last 15 years the health of children in Bangladesh is being described as one of the severe in South Asia.
According to the latest UNICEF report the mortality rate in children under-five stands at an alarming 94 deaths per 1,000 live births. Malnutrition, pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, measles, injuries are contributing to the high rate of neonatal deaths in the country. Nearly one-half of all children below the age of five years are either underweight or stunted. The poor child health care facilities in the country means that most of these children are not vaccinated exposing them to the threats of life threatening diseases.
There is lack of awareness among women folk in the country concerning basic issues relating to kids health is another key reason resulting in the high mortality rate in children. Some of the areas where more attention need to be focused are:
1. Educating the women folk on the basics of child health care which includes things like importance of breast feeding. This is a very challenging affair considering the high level of illiteracy in the country.
2. Stressing on equal care for the girl child. The track record of Bangladesh on the girl child is not impressive like its South Asian neighbor India.
3. Making people specially the parents aware of the basic nutritional requirement of a child. Giving them proper break up of the food items required to attain those minimum levels of nutrition.
3. Awareness campaigns on the importance of vaccination for the children of all ages in the country.
4. Regular counseling to pregnant women regarding childbirth and advise them on the required nutritional level during their pregnancy.
5. Encourage women to give birth with assistance from trained health personnel and in a health facility. In absence of a proper medical facility experienced midwives, or trained birth attendants should be present during the child birth.
The recent years have shown some improvement as far as child health care is concerned but Bangladesh has a long way to go to achieve the minimum nutritional and other health level in children.

Bangladesh child health care center


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